General Information of EAWCD
The 22nd East Asian Workshop on Chemical Dynamics (EAWCD 2018) will be held in Seoul, South Korea on October 1-5, 2018. Since the first workshop held in Okazaki, Japan in 1997, EAWCD has been held annually in Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, and Australia. EAWCD 2018 will be the 6th workshop held in South Korea.
The purpose of this workshop is to exchange ideas and thoughts in the field of Chemical dynamics among young and old researchers through intense discussions on their new scientific findings. A total of 24 speakers from five different countries, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand, will give oral presentations about their most recent results in the research field of chemical dynamics, chemical kinetics, ultrafast phenomena, computational and theoretical chemistry, laser spectroscopy, biophysical chemistry, etc. One of the most important aims of this workshop is to promote the relationships among researchers for future collaborations. Social programs such as banquet and excursion are planned on October 3 and 4(Wed & Thu).
We are looking forward to seeing you this October in Seoul, South Korea.